Sunday, August 01, 2010

Marvel Super Heroes

This Arcadian of fight bases on the popular miniseries that Marvel Comics published as far back as 1994 named " The Gauntlet of the Infinite ", where all the Superheroes and Supervillains of the universe Marvel were fighting with the semidiĆ³s Thanos for obtaining 6 gems of the infinite, which grant unlimited power to his holder.

We will be able to choose between 12 different prominent figures, Wolf, Spider-Man, The mass, the Captain America, Iron Man, Mental Butterfly, Juggernaut, Magneto, Summa Gorath, Black Heart, Doctor Death and Thanos, these 2 last ones with trick. Visually it is a very agreeable game, possesses a great color, so much in the scenes; that are changed up to the satiety, from Starks Industries to the terrace of the Daily Bugle; since in the prominent figures, being the identical color 100 % whom we saw in the recreative one.


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