Wednesday, June 09, 2010


G-Force is a game based on one of Disney's last movies, created with royal actors though graceful and comical mas is that the real protagonists are a group of rodents (cuyes or cobayas) trained by the army of USA to stop to a wicked mole called Speckles.

Darwin is the leader and chief of the equipment of rodents and is the manager of spoiling all the Speckles's wicked plans.

Your paper in Darwin's skin is of protecting to the planet of the assault of the living domestic appliances, wicked works of the enemy Speck's. Your mission is to be advancing for all the screens and to eliminate to each and every of these domestic appliances. We you remember that alone this is a version of demonstration of the complete game totally free G-Force.

Keys and G-Force's commands:

space: To jump
W, S, A, D: To move ahead, behind, left and right
H: To fix aim
Q: To use Mooch
SHIFT: To activate propellent


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